I loved this question from Andrea:  “Any ideas on making a bedroom a relaxing oasis?” Thanks Andrea!

Why did I love this question so much? Well, when I work with clients who have a big project ahead of them (many rooms in their home to organize) I suggest they start with a space where they can create an oasis or haven. This oasis becomes their sacred place — free from clutter. It is the place they can go to relax, recharge and in general just feel good while they continue to make progress in the rest of their home. So … I love the idea of an oasis. And even more, I love the idea of the bedroom being the oasis, since this is the place we go to relax and recharge at the end of the day.

So how to make your bedroom an oasis or place of calm and relaxation? First … answer these questions:

  • What colors evoke a feeling of calm and relaxation for you?
  • What materials or fabrics are calm and relaxing to you?
  • What sounds relax and calm you?
  • Now, think about the opposite. What is stressful and distracting to you?

For me … blue is my happiest and most relaxing color. So my oasis must be blue. And when I hear the word oasis I instantly think of potted plants, tall and palm like. (Can you tell I’m not a botanist?) I also think of white cotton sheets, down comforters and warm and fuzzy throws. My haven has lots of plush pillows and it wouldn’t be complete without my electric blanket.

Lighting is another key. Install a dimmer switch or bring in a few accent lights and forgo the overhead light altogether. Candles add instant warmth. And don’t forget your sense of smell … scented candles in lavender (or my favorite: vanilla) are a must-have in my oasis.

Natural / organic materials feel like an oasis to me, too, especially wicker. (But I’m always on the outlook for an excuse to use wicker, so take that one with a grain of salt.) Another relaxing element is soft, calm music or a fountain. Ah … it’s making me sleepy just thinking about it.

Now for the opposite of relaxing? My definition is work, paper, clutter and anything loud. So move out the T.V. Move out loud music. Assign all work a home outside of the bedroom. And last but not least, corral items in baskets or pandan boxes to keep visual clutter at bay.

Tell me about your oasis. At this point I’m half tempted to scrap the magazine project and skip ahead to the master bedroom redo project that’s on my “someday” list! Will your oasis ideas put me over the edge?