
My weekend was pretty much all about dirt. On Saturday, I played in it. Planted flowers in my flower boxes and planted my deck herb garden. So happy that it’s warm outside and time once again to play in the dirt. I have a rule: no garden gloves allowed. What fun would planting be without getting messy and feeling that good, rich soil in your hands? That’s what I want to know. Am I alone in this one?


Jay had his share of fun with dirt this weekend, too. He covered a bunch of it with mulch. Our yard looks so much nicer thanks to his hard work. I was happy to plant the flowers and avoid the mulch … because once upon a time I came face to face with (you guessed it) a spider! while mulching. The hugest spider I had ever seen up to that point in time. So much for Jay’s mulch helper.

Speaking of dirt … if you subscribe to my newsletter, you get all the latest “organizing dirt.” (Is there such a thing?) Like when our new website will be launched and spring cleaning tips and other fun stuff like that. If you’re a subscriber you should have gotten your newsletter this afternoon. If you’re not a subscriber, you can sign up here. Right after you sign up you’ll get a link to my archives. Click on that to read today’s newsletter.

Have a happy May 1st … can’t belive it’s here so soon!