Despite being a PC…the show must go on! And today, after all, is Friday…even though at my home it feels eerily like a Monday.

So…what’s up for grabs during this round of Freebie Friday? None other than the book Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Home. And here’s the best part: five copies are up for grabs!

So let me tell you a little bit about this book, because it really is a gem. First, here’s what the publisher has to say about the book:

When Thelma Meyer tells it to you, she tells it straight: Clean the kitchen daily! Don’t waste anything (not even the water leftover from those potatoes you just boiled)! Always work hard!

Now for the first time, Thelma’s sage advice is being made available in this revolutionary cleaning guide chock full of practical tips and secrets based on the premise that life is hectic and messy. With shortcuts and tips for cleaning the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and living room, MRS. MEYER’S CLEAN HOME contains unexpected advice such as:

  • Never use vinegar and water on wood floors. One part dish soap and four parts water is the only way to truly get them clean. And remember to buff with a terrycloth towel.
  • Always clean out the fridge before grocery shopping. Serve the kids “Musko” (“must go”) for dinner, using the items that were fast approaching expiration.
  • Wash windows on a cloudy day to avoid the nasty streaking that happens when the sun’s out and glass dry too fast.

Mrs meyers book

And here’s my two cents. Thelma raised 9 kids! Nine. Kids. I always think there’s a lot to learn from the Mom of a big family. And Thelma doesn’t disappoint. Some of my favorite things about this book includes the cute graphics, like those shown above and the cleaning schedule of what to clean when, including daily, weekly, monthly and seasonal checklist. Oh, and that’s the other thing…there are all sorts of nifty lists, charts and quick tips. Plus, there’s great tidbits of wisdom like this: “…when you stay on top of things it’s so much easier in the long run.” So true…I remind myself that every time I scrub the shower!

So…that’s what’s up for grabs! Pretty fun, wouldn’t you say? And entering to win is super easy. Simply leave a comment including your name and  a favorite cleaning tip. What do you do that saves you time or sanity when it comes to keeping that home of yours clean? I can’t wait to hear all your great ideas!

I’ll keep the comments open until Sunday (May 17, 2009) at 9 PM central, and all FIVE winners will be announced on Monday (barring any further explosions of personal computers, of course.) Good luck and have a great weekend!

Oh, and thanks to Hachette Book Group for this great giveaway!