today! Yippee!

So this Friday’s giveaway is two copies of Simple Scrapbooks latest and greatest special issue called scrapbook play. (And since this week is all about kids, “play” seemed like a fitting theme.) So two lucky blog commenters will win one copy of scrapbook play. Sound fun? Great…here’s how to play along.

Post an idea (or two or three) to help me come up with a plan for a scrapbook project for Kailea’s Brownie Troop. We want each girl to make a scrapbook this year, and I’ve volunteered to coordinate this project. (Which is just so fun, don’t you think?) But here’s the catch. We won’t have a ton of time on an ongoing basis for the girls to work on their scrapbooks. Each meeting is just an hour long…and it’s not going to be all about scrapbooking. So I need some really simple ideas…that will allow the girls to record their year in Brownie’s and introduce them to this fantastic thing called scrapbooking without spending an inordinate amount of time to do it. I have some ideas…but I just know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that all of you will have even better ideas that I haven’t thought of. Oh, and we’d also like to keep it economical…so economical ideas are good, too.

I’ll keep the comments section open for the next 48 hours…which puts us at 5:00 PM Central on Sunday. I’ll turn off the comments at that time and draw two winners from anyone who has commented before the 48 hour deadline. (Drawing will be held Sunday evening or Monday morning.) Good luck and thanks for helping me with this kids’ scrapbooking project. So fun…I just can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Oh…and for your reading pleasure, here’s an article on back-to-school scrapbooking written by Connie Myers (who writes for craftrends magazine.) Connie interviewed me for the article last summer (after my friend Janine referred Connie to me) and then come to find out Connie was at Memory Trends so we got to meet in person. Just another one of those small world coincidences. Isn’t it? Anyway…be sure to check out Connie’s article for some great ideas on scrapbooking for kids.