Around here we’ve got a thing for time saving strategies. I just love it when I get to stop doing something that eats up way too much of my time. Take meal planning. No, really. I mean, take meal planning…completely off my to-do list, please!

Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t actually dislike meal planning. But the whole process of perusing the store circulars for the best deals, deciding what I can make with the products on sale, locating those recipes and then creating a shopping list? We’re talking at least an hour of my time each week (probably more), and you know what? I’d much rather take my girls to the park. Or tackle an organizing project. Or even do some spring cleaning, for goodness sake!

EMealsA few years ago, I went to a conference for moms where I learned about a really slick service called eMeals. This company actually does that whole thing for you!  (Talk about a huge time saver!) eMeals has a team of meal planners, writers and editors to create new dinner menus every week that are designed around grocery store sales, seasonal specials and diet preferences. For as little as $5 a month, you can download a weekly recipe plan with a matching aisle-by-aisle grocery list.

The easy-to-follow recipes usually contain fewer than seven ingredients and prep times of less than 30 minutes, which adds up to even more time saved. Plus, eMeals helps you stay within a predictable grocery budget. The eMeals program has over 30 meal plan options to choose from, so you can find the one best suited to your family size, dietary needs, and even store preference!

Kitchen_250banner_20111012I don’t even know how they manage to be so organized, but I’m just glad that they are. At simplify 101 we are a bit partial to staying organized, especially in the kitchen. 😉 So we thought it would be fun to team up with eMeals for a super Freebie Friday.

Two lucky winners will be chosen at random. One winner will get a free spot in simplify 101’s Organize Your Kitchen Video Workshop Workshop which begins next Thursday, April 12, 2012! The other winner gets a free 3-month subscription to eMeals!

Here’s how to enter this giveaway (up to four chances to win):

  1. Go to eMeals and tell me which meal plan you want to try.
  2. Follow their blog for recipes and more tips on simplifying your life. Come back and leave a comment letting me know you did.
  3. Follow them on Pinterest, Facebook and/or Twitter, then leave a comment letting me know you did.
  4. Download our free organizing mini guide (one of the best ways to keep paper clutter off the kitchen counters), then leave a message letting me know you did (or already have it).

The giveaway ends on Monday, April 9, 2012, and the winners will be notified by email.

Good luck!

Jens signature black

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