…out of absolutely nowhere! Just when you thought the good old days of Freebie Friday were gone forever, poof! Freebie Friday returns with a vengeance.

What’s up for grabs this time? Two things!

The first is a signed copy of the Organized & Inspired Scrapbooker—signed by not just one of the coauthors but by both! That’s right. Wendy was in town recently and she signed a copy of the book! So this rare, limited edition signed copy could be yours just by playing along!

The Organized & Inspired Scrapbooker signed copy

“How do I win,” you want to know? Well, it’s quite simple. Just leave me a comment sharing your greatest scrapbooking obstacle. Is there anything that prevents you from scrapbooking as often as you’d like, or with as much joy as you’d like? This could be an organizational struggle or anything else for that matter.

So what if you don’t scrapbook or you scrapbook without a single struggle? No worries. I’ve got a separate blog post for that.

But first, to enter this particular Freebie Friday, post a comment by this Sunday, June 8th, 2008 at 8:00 PM central time to be eligible. Winner will be drawn randomly from a hat (or perhaps a galvanized bucket) and announced shortly there after!