I woke up this morning with a tremendous amount of energy and the desire to get things done! Completion is a wonderful thing. Wouldn’t you agree?

I’m guessing I’m not alone in this next one, either. I have just a few things hanging around my to-do list that I’ve started but haven’t completed. And these things are draining my energy on a daily basis. So I decided that today was officially “completion day.” I’m going to get done as many in-process projects and simple tasks as humanly possible. My goal is completion.

And then I thought: “Why should I have all the fun? I bet there’s at least one blogger out there that has started a project or two, or wants to do a simple five minute task, but hasn’t done it yet.” And so … Freebie Friday Returns.

Here’s how it works. All you have to do is complete something … it can be big or little …but it has to be something that’s been hanging over your head … either because you don’t look forward to finishing it or simply because you haven’t found the time. Maybe you need to sew a button on a pair of pants. Perhaps you started a letter to a friend a month ago and just never got around to putting it in an envelope and mailing it. Maybe you have school pictures to mail off to friends or relatives. Maybe you started a scrapbook page or project… got a bit stuck and never got around to finishing it up. The idea is that this is something that’s draining you … nagging at you … just making life a bit less pleasant. Let’s check it off the list … today! OK?

I realize you may have had some other plans today … so you have until 9 PM central this Sunday. Post a comment on this blog post with your list of everything you’ve completed. It can be just one thing … that’s fine! Just get something nagging and annoying off your to-do list and you’ve qualified. And what’s the freebie???

How about a command central binder in your choice of color? Sounds yummy! Simply post a comment on this blog post telling me what you’ve completed, by Sunday evening at 9 PM central. I’ll then randomly draw one commenter from a hat and announce the command central binder winner on the blog Sunday evening. If you’re the winner, email me your mailing address and then, first thing Monday a command central binder will be headed your way!

OK … good luck! And remember … I’m right there with you in spirit checking nagging little things off my to-do list, too! Talk to you on Sunday!