…and requests for info!

There’s so much stuff happening now with me it’s simply mind boggling. The fact that its *good stuff*… well that is the icing my friends.

Here’s a quick run-down of some of the good stuff you might be interested in…

It’s a bird, it’s a plane … nope it’s a book! If you didn’t catch it on Wendy’s blog last week … here’ the news: Wendy and I are co-writing a book together. Can’t believe we kept it a secret so long. Not even sure why we did. 🙂 It’s called “The Organized and Inspired Scrapbooker.” Two of my favorite things all wrapped up in one book. Fun, yes?

So … what does this mean to you? Well … one thing we would absolutely love is to hear from YOU. What are your scrapbook related organizing dilemmas? We have a ton of great material planned for the book but we would love to do a sanity check … did we miss THE big dilemma? YOUR big dilemma? So please let us know your organizing dilemmas of any size or magnitude. Any info is mucho appreciated.

More good stuff. I’m heading to Utah on Sunday to stay with Wendy and work on our book. So fun. I’ve never been in a house with five kids. Never been to Utah.

And I’m sure there will be many more firsts … such as my first time on a plane for a year. I hear there are new restrictions for what you can carry-on. If you have the scoop, I’d love to know. Guess I could call the airline … but it seems as if coping strategies from friends like you would be way more helpful. Like … is it true about no liquids on the plane? And if so, what exactly does one suggest to prevent my contacts from becoming glued to my eyeballs? Seriously … this is a huge issue for me … not sure how to handle it. Buy four bottles of unopened solution … one for each leg of the trip? See … I need some serious help. If you have any coping strategies for airline travel … I would love to hear from you.

There’s more good stuff … but I must go work on this good stuff … so keep your eyes here for more news … coming soon. (And maybe even an on-the-road report from Utah.)

Have a terrific day!