I loved this idea in the November / December issue of Simple Scrapbooks.

Simple Scrapbooks

Did you see it? The idea is to create a gratitude photo album / scrapbook. And the best part, it’s super cute and super simple. All you do is take a photo of something you’re grateful for every day in December. Then, you use these down-loadable journaling templates (designed by Cathy Z.) to write about what you’re grateful for. Each day you put a photo and the daily journaling card into a one-up, 4″ x 6″ photo album. By the end of the month (if you play along, of course) you’ll have a cute little scrapbook chock full of gratitude. Isn’t that fun?

I thought so, too. I decided (last night) that I would do this project. I had it on my to-do list…but I was on the fence about it. Last night I committed.

I ran out to Target looking for a cute, wire bound photo album, like the one shown in Simple. But there were none to be found. Having exhausted my other local option for a one-up, 4″ x 6″ photo album earlier in the week, I just knew I had to get industrious.

So, I bought two of those little 4″ x 6″ brag books…the kind that go for $1.99 (give or take) and have plastic covers on the front and back. Anyway, I picked up two of those. Then, using a craft knife I cut the front cover off the first one and the back cover off the other. Then, I taped them together using shipping tape, which I trimmed using scissors (and the help of my daughter) to make just a bit narrower. Remarkably, the shipping tape virtually disappeared…I seriously can’t see it. (Although you do need to keep in mind the big birthday I had earlier this year.)  Anyway, this is what it looks like all together.


I made the cover insert using the Roxbury line from Scenic Route. (Scenic Route is my new paper crush, by the way.) Last night I also printed out my journaling cards…so I’m ready to go!

Here’s my photo for day 1:

feet in snow

What a great way to start December…with a light dusting of snow. It’s beginning to look just a little bit like Christmas…gotta’ love that.

Is anyone else doing this project…or if this is the first you’ve heard of it, want to join me? If so, download the journaling template now, and start snapping photos when you feel like it. I may not take photos every single day…but I plan to journal daily about what I’m grateful for. Then I may take a bunch of photos at the end of the week. Bottom line…do what works for you. That’s my plan.

I do hope you’ll consider taking part in this fun project that will help us keep gratitude at the forefront of our hearts and minds this holiday season. Let me know if you’re in…or if you just want to share what you’re grateful for as we head into this fresh new month…I’d love to hear that, too.


P.S. We were out of town over Thanksgiving, so I’m digging out of email, etc. I see I have a few questions about the printer and other stuff…I will post some answers soon!