
Yes, today is Jay’s birthday! Happy birthday sweetie (because I know at some point you’ll read this…right?)

So if you don’t know Jay…well, he is my husband, the amazing father to our two children, my business partner, the guy who holds down the fort while I’m out of town—both in terms of keeping our family going and in terms of keeping the business going. He is the brain child behind a really fun and exciting “new thing” we’re adding to our website. (More on that soon!)

Jay is truly amazing and by no stretch of the imagination does he get the credit he deserves for all of his contributions to simplify 101, our family, and to the overall happiness of my life.

So…if you know Jay because he’s your friend or you’ve meet him through our business and now he’s your friend then will you help me surprise him? (Perhaps you bought something from our store and were happy with the service or packaging which was all Jay, by the way. He won’t let me ship because I’m not “properly trained.”) He’s on a field trip right now with our daughter…and I would love to have him come home to an in-box filled with birthday wishes. If you know his email address would you send him a birthday wish? Or if you don’t know his email address would you post him a birthday wish right here in the comments? Thank you!!

Jay didn’t want a party…so this will be like a virtual birthday party (free from goodie bags which is a very good kind of party 😉 and a fun little surprise for him.)

OK…back to the garage article! Have a great day. 🙂