What a happy day! Then sun was shining here in southern Illinois and it was just the perfect spring day. But even better than that … I spent the morning at CKC St. Louis … a mere 11 miles from my home (how fun is that?) So … here’s a glimpse at the fruits of my day (I can’t say labor … it was way too much fun to be considered labor!)

Happy album

What a cute little make-and-take, yes? Here’s a peak inside … funny angle on the picture, but you’ll get the idea.

happy album inside

Met Donna Downey, fellow Big Picture Scrpabooking teacher (she’s just so nice!) and if you don’t have any of her books, you must check them out. I have Decorative Journals and it’s great! Tomorrow I’m taking Donna’s class — so fun!

But back to today. Last but not least:  I shopped. Check out the goodies I gathered up below. It was so fun to see buy some great products not readily available in my area. And even better … I have some fun organizational projects planned which I’ll be posting right here using some of the goodies below. So be sure to check back often.

ckc purchases