If you’ve read this blog of mine for a while, you my recall that I’m a huge fan of Ali’s one little word concept. The idea is to find a word that is your theme for the year. I just love that—your goals for the year boiled down to a single word. Simply brilliant, I think.

So…in the past my words have been…

2007: Grow

2008: Love

2009: Now

For 2009, the word now was a wonderful choice. This word definitely resonated with me all year long. There were numerous reminders throughout the year about what a gift now truly is. And while I love to look forward, plan, and set goals…life happens now. It truly is all we have. I loved living with that thought at the forefront throughout the year and will carry it with me into 2010. But alas, it’s a New Year and time for a new word.

This year’s choice was the simplest one yet. I selected it back in November or December while in the midst of my online holiday’s workshop, so I’ve had time to sit with my decision for a while and even start living it a bit during the holiday season. I feel really good that it is just the right word for 2010. So without further ado, my one word for 2010 is peace.

Now it’s interesting because I’ve never felt so sure of a word before (and boy I bet that sentence sounds really weird if this is the first you’ve heard of the one little word concept) and yet, I’m struggling more than with any other word to explain it’s meaning. But here it goes.

The meaning behind peace for 2010 is being content with where I am right here and now, even if I’m striving for something better or different. In 2010, my goal is to put peace first—with my family, my home, and my business. I plan to simplify and focus in order to create peace in all aspects of my life. So, for example, I will create peace in my business life, by simplifying our offerings and focusing on the most important aspects of the business. More on this soon, but I’m really excited about making changes at simplify 101 in the year ahead.

I will be at peace with my body and treat it with the kindness it deserves. I will become even more conscious about what I put into my body and spend more time taking care of it through walking, yoga and other forms exercise.

I will also continue to create peace (and beauty) in my home by continuing the decorating projects I started last year and peacefully taking on new ones throughout the year as time and other priorities permit.

I’m really excited about the year ahead with peace as my compass to guide me. Have you chosen a word for the year? If so, what is your word, and what does it mean to you? What things do you do to celebrate your word…or remind you about your word? I’d love to hear.

Happy New Year!