I am starting to see signs of healing. I know it won’t happen over night—especially not for my girl. But it’s nice to see little signs of normalcy. I’ve never been so happy to hear the Jonas Brother’s blasting from my daughter’s CD player as I was this morning. Just one little indication that healing has begun.

Going through this loss, I have been moved by the kindness of others. I’m grateful to the countless people who reached out to me personally. Thank you for your emails, cards and phone calls. I’m also grateful to have witnessed the love and support that surrounds the little girl’s family. I am inspired by the way people pull together during times of tragedy. I’m also moved by the compassionate heart of my daughter, who instantly thought of her friend’s family, teacher and best friend upon learning the news of her friend. She wanted to bake cakes. And so we did. I never knew baking cakes could be so therapeutic, so healing.

Now I’m looking forward to the weekend and simple little things that make life rich. Catching up on my photography class. Watching the Michigan State basketball game. (Go State!) Eating guacamole. (Yum!) Perhaps baking another cake. And lots of snuggling with the kiddos.

I’d love to hear what simple things you’re looking forward to this weekend. I hope you have a great one.