We’re in complete disbelief. More ice is on it’s way. ICE! On it’s way!!! How can this be? It’s a complete freak show in our house right now … people scurrying around trying to figure out the best things to do with all this electricity we have on hand right now. Should we vacuum? Should we just turn on every light in the house so we can remember what it’s like to be in bright light? Should we blog? Craft? Play video games? What’s the best thing to do with what could possibly be the last bit of power we have for a while?

We’ve got cell phones charging and laundry in the dryer and all fingers and toes crossed hoping that it just misses us this time. Wish it would miss everyone but that’s not looking like it’s going to be the case. Unfortunately.

So if it appears that I fall off the face of the earth again (and who would notice at the rate I’ve been blogging) … well … you’ll know the ice could be to blame … or it could be that I’m just still a lame blogger … in which case maybe I should be vacuuming right now instead of rambling on and on in this post … but since I’ve started with the rambling bit … I shall continue.

In more exciting news … I had an encounter with the hugest spider I’ve ever seen in my life today … while at a client’s house. That’s tricky. I’m sitting there in this beautifully finished basement (the last place on earth you would expect to see the creature I encountered) sorting through some papers. All of a sudden, out of the corner of my eye, I see something move swiftly. Very swiftly. I hop up and then peer cautiously around the corner … expecting to see a small bug of some sort. But instead … I see the hugest spider I’ve ever seen in my entire life and I’m completely terrified of spiders. Here’s the huge victory … I didn’t scream! Nope … not a peep. (HUGE victory.) Instead I said “Uh, do you have any bug spray?”

My client who had gone upstairs sensed the terror in my voice and sent in her son to … uh … take care of the furry (huge) fellow. Whew. He said it was a wolf spider … do a Google if you want to see one. It’d be the big furry one. (Her son said it looked like a small tarantula … I would have to agree.) I was going to include a link … but really … you probably don’t want to see it if you’re a spider phobe. And if you’re not you’re probably mad at me for having it … uh … taken care of. I’m sorry. It was really scary.

OK … clearly I have better things to do than to freak you out about spiders. But just one last rhetorical question before I go. How can I encounter a spider and an ice storm in the SAME DAY?