If you give an organizer a messy kids’ room,
She’ll want to organize it.

She’ll get it all organized and decide
the closet door must come down!

You’ll take down the closet door…
and she’ll be happy.

For at least five minutes…
until she notices the wallpaper border.

It must go, too!
It’s far too juvenile for the boy who lives in the room.

She’ll want to take it down.
She’ll get a spray bottle, vinegar, hot water, a Pampered Chef pan scraper and the help of the eight year old boy.

She’ll peel and scrape.
He’ll peel and scrape.
And down the wallpaper border will go.

Seeing the wallpaper gone will remind her that it’s time for a new paint job.
She and the boy will pick out paint for the wall.

She’ll move the furniture away from the wall, cover it with plastic sheets, and get ready to start painting.

Seeing the walls so clean and clear will make her notice the scuffed and dingy baseboards.
She’ll want to paint them.

While she’s painting the baseboards she realizes that the closet should be painted, too,
especially now that the closet door has come down.

And so you’ll take all the shelves out of the closet (and all the newly organized bins and containers)…
and she’ll paint the baseboards, the closet, and all four walls in the boy’s room.

Seeing the room all freshly painted and organized,
makes her remember she has a blog about organizing.

And so (finally) she’ll write a new post and promise to be a good blogger again…
until you give her another messy kids’ room.