…could it mean Freebie Friday? Well, yes indeed it does! Hooray!

I seem to find myself with a surplus of the March / April issue of Simple Scrapbooks magazine…the second to last issue. (While reading that last sentence, picture my face with just a hint of a pout on it. OK, picture a big pout.) Anyway, in light of this surplus of issues, I have two copies up for grabs. Hooray!

Simple scrapbooks

One of the fun things (well, for me anyway) is the *new* Get Organized column featuring Wendy and me. It was really fun to work on and we have one more installment coming in the final issue (May / June) so keep your eyes open for that.

In the meantime, if you’d like one of my extra March/April copies, simply post a comment sharing your biggest scrapbook organizing challenge. I’ll keep the comments open until 8 PM Central on Sunday evening and the winners will be announced on Monday.

Good luck…and while you’re here be sure to check out the brand new simplify 101 buttons, badges, etc. Whatever you want to call them, wouldn’t one of these look super-stylin’ on your blog or website? I think so… 😉

Have a great weekend!