So I thought I’d share a snippet from my newsletter. This will also help to explain why I’ve been away from the blog for a while…

March has been one of those months that simply flew by. It’s a time of year when many people’s thoughts turn to organizing. My one-on-one client load was extremely busy and I was putting the finishing touches on my newest workshop “Organize Your Paper Clutter.”

Busy is good. Right?

Well, maybe.

I sit here today vividly aware that time is the currency of life. How I choose to spend my time is the essence of my life. I am keenly aware of this due to a tragedy that affected my family and community last week. My daughter’s friend and classmate died in an accident last Friday evening. She was only seven years old.

This tragedy has caused sleepless nights and hours upon hours thinking—trying to sort it all out and make sense of it all. The emotion is still too raw to encapsulate it all. But one thing I know for sure is that because of this tragedy I have taken a step back and reaffirmed my own priorities. I have stepped back and realized all that I have to be grateful for. And I have stepped back and given thought to how I spend my time—how I spend my life. Am I spending my time intentionally? Am I giving the people around me the best me I have to give?

You may wonder what this has to do with clutter and getting organized—which is the real reason for sending this newsletter each month. The answer is that time has everything to do with clutter and getting organized. You see, clutter wastes our time. Clutter makes us feel bad. Clutter prevents us from living the best life we can possibly live. I urge you to take whatever steps you need to take to get out from under your own clutter. Make the commitment today to live your best life and share your best self with those you love.

I started writing this month’s article about the connection between stuff and time earlier this month. So, the tone is a bit more lighthearted than this welcome message. (Thank goodness, right?) I hope you enjoy the article and that it helps you to see your stuff in a new light, giving you yet one more reason or one more perspective on lightening your load of clutter and living your best life.

If you’d like to read the article but don’t yet subscribe to my newsletter, you can sign up here. This month’s article about the relationship between stuff and time will be a part of the bonus tips you get when signing up for the newsletter. I’ll be back to more regular blogging soon…