Twice! First by Gretchen. And then by Carolyn. Oops! So without further delay, here are 7 random things about me.

  1. I’m an American Idol junkie. Started watching the show in season 1 and have been totally hooked ever since. And as a bonus random thing … Jordin makes me cry when she sings. Often.
  2. colorful bowlsThis week I celebrated my ten year wedding anniversary. I feel like such a lucky girl. It truly is the simple things that make me happy from colorful melamine bowls, to a mason jar of gerbera daisies, to reading books with my kiddos.
  3. I have lived in 4 states that start with the letter M: Michigan, Massachusetts, Maryland, and Missouri.
  4. My first published scrapbook project appears in this Simple Scrapbooks Special Issue. In a million years, I never dreamed I’d have a scrapbook project published. C-raze-E!
  5. I love avocados. (Now if that’s not interesting, what is?)
  6. I find creating lists like this incredibly uncomfortable. 😉

Whew…so there you have it! And now … I get to tag seven lucky winners! I’m randomly selecting seven people who have commented on this blog recently. Here we go … Elizabeth, Telah, Stephanie, Jenni, Lisa, Lisa and Lynn.