To many the date May 19th sounds like just any other date. For me, a different story. May 19th has a sort of ring to it … the ring of a date that means something. When I hear the date said … on the radio … in conversation … my ears perk up. The date means something.

When I was little the date meant something fun. Something exciting. Now … well, when May 19th approaches so does a sense of dread. A sense of bewilderment. I think, “How on earth can I possibly be that old?” I hope maybe somehow the calendar isn’t telling the truth. It can’t really be May 19, 2006. I can’t really be that old. Can I?

My father-in-law and mother-in-law called me at the crack of dawn to wish me a happy birthday. My father-in-law asked me “how does it feel to be 30?”

I answered honestly … “I can’t remember.”

None-the-less, it was a great way to start the day. A birthday wish from my father-in-law. He told me he thinks a lot of me. That made my day. (Not even three new pair of birthday shoes can beat that — ooops, I mean four, but still, it doesn’t beat that.)

I hope your May 19th was happy …