I find myself in a nesting mode this time of year. I just feel very motivated to get my house in order and finish up some projects that have been lingering on my to-do list. I have some decorating projects that I want to finish up, and I have some new fall cleaning tasks to tackle, too. It’s the big “before the holidays” push to get my house in order. Are you feeling this way, too?

I thought it would be fun to bring back Finish It Friday for the month of October. If you’re new to this blog, here’s a post about Finish It Friday and what it entails. (In a nutshell, Finish It Friday is just an extra little nudge to get some things finished and off your to-do list over the weekend. This is fueled by the accountability of posting your weekend to-do list on this blog, and then, checking in on Monday to let us know what you finished. Fun, right? Indeed.)

We’ll get things started again this Friday, but in the meantime, I’m going to post my October to-do list, and I hope you’ll do the same. This project list will serve as my starting point for my weekly Finish It Friday lists. Alright…here she goes.

October Project List:

  1. Master bathroom makeover. This is a pretty huge project, and with every step I take (or each task I cross of the list) I seem to add at least one more task to the list. So, we’ll see if this can actually get finished in October. Should be interesting one way or another. 🙂 If it gets done, I’ll be thrilled. If it moves forward even just a few steps, I’ll be thrilled.
  2. Clean windows inside and out. I’m hoping that we have at least one more warm weekend before November so I can get these windows all sparkly clean.
  3. Wash light fixtures. This is a great project to-do before the clocks fall back. Bright lights makes that time change just a tad easier to swallow.
  4. Paint nightstand. I think. I’m still deciding on this one, but it’s going on the list anyway.

So that’s my October project list…for now. It looks deceptively small because number one is a doozie! I reserve the right to tweak my list and change it as I go along. I’m sure I’ll add some new things to my October list, as well as to my weekly Finish It Friday lists. And I may delete some things, too. But I’m excited. I’m excited to see what we will all accomplish in October.

Are you in? If so, post your October project list in the comments. Then, check back here every Friday in October to post your weekend to-do list in the Finish It Friday thread. Then, report in on Monday to tell us what you finished up. Easy. Fun. And Motivating.

Remember, your project list doesn’t have to be set in stone. (Mine isn’t!) And it doesn’t have to be complete. (Again, mine isn’t!) Give yourself the same permission to tweak your list and change it as the month goes along. Even if we change our lists as we go, I’ll bet we’ll still have more finished at the end of the month than if we didn’t make a list now. Ready? Let’s do this!