Oh there is so much I want to share with you all right now…and so little time to do so!

Here’s quick snippet of what’s on my mind (and in my heart) right now.

Feeling alive.

What is it about May? By far, May is my favorite month of the year. I feel so alive in May. The days are warm, but the nights are crisp. Everything is green and alive…growing and getting better. I love the reminder that May gives me to grow and get better each and every day.


I can’t believe it’s almost here! My focus for the summer 2009 is balance:  striking the balance between structure and free-flow; relaxation and getting things done; work and play; staying at home and going away; business and family.


I just started reading the book Style Statement: Live by Your Own Design and I was hooked after the first sentence. I love anything that involves self-discovery and self-affirmation—and this book is right up my alley. While the book is about style, it is about authenticity—authentic style. I love that and can’t wait to see what I discover.


Haven’t been sleeping well for the past week…so it seems sleep is on my mind an awful lot lately. Ever been there?


I was excited to see this mention of our online workshop on the Real Simple blog. Thank you, Holly!

More gratitude.

My birthday was on Tuesday. Monday night I created a list of 41 things I am grateful for, one for each year of my life. I highly recommend this as a yearly, birthday ritual. It focused my day on all that is good and all that lies ahead.

Fresh veggies.

We ate salad from our garden for dinner last night. Yum! So happy to have fresh herbs and veggies (right from our yard!) in my life again.


The year is almost mid-way through. (Can you believe it?) I’m refocusing on my word of the year—NOW—and what it I want it to mean in months and weeks ahead. Right now it means—drinking in every moment. Being present. Being aware. Finding joy and gratitude every single day.

What’s on your mind right now? I’d love to hear.