Dear Mother Nature,

I just wanted to write to check in on you…and make sure you’re doing OK. The weather you’ve been sending my way has been, well, lovely for certain, but not terribly reminiscent of the October’s I’ve grown accustomed to. It’s way hotter than normal. Did you realize its October already? I wonder if you’ve forgotten about the poor trees in my neck of the woods…they would really benefit from a cool night and a drink every now and then.

You just haven’t been acting like yourself lately. Usually you send such wonderful weather here this time of year…so I’m a bit worried about you. I wonder if you’ve gotten behind, or maybe your calendar system isn’t working for you? Do you think it’s still August?

If so, perhaps you should consider the services of a professional organizer. (I happen to know one who would be more than happy to help you.) See, a professional organizer can help you get back on top of things and get that calendar back under control. You’ll be making rain and sending October-like days in no time…and you’ll feel so good. I promise. I make it fun and simple to get organized and you’ll just love how good it makes you feel to know you’re on top of things again…and sending the right weather to the right people at just the right time.

Anyway…give it some thought…I’d love to help you out and I’d offer you a special, Mother Nature-only deal. Because, frankly, if I have one more August-like day this October, I may find myself in my own organizational pickle, when suddenly it’s cold outside and my kids are still wearing flip-flops, my yard isn’t winterized, and we don’t have a pumpkin for Halloween…because really, who wants to go to the pumpkin patch on a 95 degree day?

So let me know what you think…and in the meantime, I’d be oh-so grateful for even a few more sprinkles of rain for those thirsty trees outside my window.

Thank you for your time.


Aby Garvey
Professional Organizer