
OK…I’m in. I cleared out one of my project trays in my scrapbook room to make room for my A-Week-In-The-Life project…even though there’s a little voice inside my head saying “You’ve got a really busy week ahead. Are you sure this is a good idea?”

But then another little voice jumped in. “If not this week then when? Seriously. When was the last time your life really slowed down?”

Little voice one responds. “Eight years ago. Bed rest.”

Voice two chimes in. “Right. And there will be no repeat performances on the bed rest, right? So let’s go for it. NOW!”

And so I am.

Got myself organized today. Pulled together a notebook for jotting down observations. (Took notes from Ali’s book.) Pulled out some file folders — one for each day of the week. I’ll tuck notes and other life tidbits (receipts, emails, magazine articles, etc.) in there. And I printed Ali’s list of photos to take. The plan is to carry the notebook, a camera and my photo list around with me as much as possible…and capture little bits of life. I’m really excited about this project.

OK…off to get lots of to-dos done today…so I can create a bit more space in my schedule next week for this project. Wish me luck. 🙂