Today we’re starting something new on the Creative Organizing Blog here at simplify 101. We will begin sharing success stories…stories from blog readers, coaching clients and participants of our online classes. These stories are shared with the goal of inspiring you to create positive change in your life. I hope you enjoy!

Today’s success story is from Elisa who has taken several of my online classes including Quick + Simple Clutter ControlGoalsand It’s About Time. I asked Elisa to share her experience taking the Goals workshop because I think you will find her story very inspiring…and she’s created a lovely Etsy shop that I think you’ll love, too. Thank you to Elisa for sharing your story – and beautiful photographs with us

What were some of the challenges you were facing before you signed up for the Goals class?

Before the class I was often overwhelmed with ideas and responsibilities, and at a loss for how to overcome fear. I set out to develop a shop for my site,, and needed to find ways to do that consistently, step-by-step, without upsetting the balance of my family life, art practice, homeschooling, health or household.

How did the class help you solve those challenges?

I learned to set goals in all areas of my life as well as goals toward creating the shop and filming the tutorials to support the traditional, educational kits & patterns I design. I learned to approach things on a monthly, then weekly, then daily basis. I loved working with ideas of gratitude as a positive focus, and ideas about progressing a project in small actions, instead of trying to ‘finish’ projects. I find being overwhelmed is often the other side of inspiration, and working through things with Aby’s guidance and a whole year of support from my classmates really helped me stay active and inspired.

There are all sorts of organizing ideas on the internet, what prompted you to give simplify 101’s online classes a try?

I loved that simplify 101 offers a forum, particularly with Aby there to support you with her brilliant solutions and encouragement. Such a great community follows her. I like to be accountable and I get more done when I can check in with others.

handwarmer knitting kits appleturnovershop

What has been your biggest a-ha moment so far?

I began to see that although there are always a million more things I want to learn and do, I can choose seasons, or times of the day, to pursue some things and let go of others, and to progress bigger projects in small steps. I recognised that all the energy I use to avoid a project, to procrastinate on taking action, is often more than the energy required to just get on and do the project. Agreeing with myself to take one imperfect step forward usually pushes me past that ennui and into joyful action.

Please tell us a bit about yourself.

I’m an artist immersed in learning traditional skills. I’m trying it all myself, joining in a revival of heritage methods and old-world knowledge. Lately I’ve moved with my family from a 400 year old cottage in England to a tiny lakeside cottage on an island off the pacific coast of Canada, to pursue more of what I love – learning to fish, to garden organically, to keep chickens, perhaps even bees, and to host old school workshops for others to learn all kinds of handmade skills from knitting and quilting to painting furniture, drawing, and on and on.

How to Quilt Tutorial

I write at, homemade stories that explore the pleasures of the handmade, tried & true tools, old fashioned remedies, recipes, and sound ideas. I’ve taken classes with Aby at every major step, before starting the blog, before moving back to Canada, to help me start up the Etsy shop, and now to move to the lake, and start up a shop off the site and develop the ‘old school! (coming soon!)

How can readers keep in touch with you?

I write at, and I make kits and patterns that teach good old fashioned skills; each one is a little hands-on education in the old creative ways. Every project is guided by a series old school movie tutorials, set to old records, with animated text for clarity. You can get my kits at the appleturnovershop

Stay in touch with Elisa: