I was tagged by Marcia to participate in Ariane’s “show your desk challenge.” And here’s the funny thing: I sat next to Ariane in a workshop at the National Association of Professional Organizer’s conference last year. In fact, I borrowed a pen from her … because mine ran out of ink. Small world, isn’t it?

So I’ve taken the challenge … here are a few shots of my desk.




Having just spent the last few months creating this space and moving from a shared office with my hubby into this new space, it’s just so nice to have this project finished! I feel so much more productive! And it comes down to simple things, like finally finding two trash cans that fit between the desk and the wall (one for recycling and one for trash). Before last weekend I had two trash cans that I kept moving because they just didn’t fit where I wanted them. Funny how taking care of the little annoyances just makes everything so much simpler. Know what I mean?

So … if you want to play along, post a comment and let us know you’ve posted a pic of your desk. Or, find that one little annoyance that you can fix quickly and easily (like my trash can!) and take care of it this weekend. Have fun … and let me know if you play along!

Thanks, Marcia, for tagging me!

Off to dye eggs (and catch up on laundry!) Enjoy your weekend. 🙂