Looking for some quick tips to help you with your spring cleaning? Here’s a simple idea…

cleaning supplies bucketStash your cleaning gear in an easy to carry caddie or bucket. First, purge and organize your cleaning supplies by sorting into three groups.

Group 1: those you never use.

Purge any specialty cleaner you never use. (You know what I’m talking about, those products you bought on a whim from the cute door-to-door sales guy? I know, I bought some too.) Let’s face it, if you haven’t used it in three years, you’re not going to! Send this pile straight to your trash can.

Group 2: supplies you use once in a blue moon for deep cleaning.

Store these in a leak proof bucket or storage bin, out of the reach of children.

Group 3: the basics.

These are your favorite products and tools, those you use every time you clean. Store your basics in a utility bucket or supply caddie (again, out of the reach of small children.) When cleaning day rolls around, simply carry your bucket from room to room and you’ll have everything you need right at hand!