get organized for summer

Continuing on with our summer series, in my next few posts I’m going to share a few add-ons for your alphabetized summer bucket list. The first one is THE BOOK OF DOING: Everyday Activities to Unlock Your Creativity and Joy by Allison Arden.

Here’s what the publicist shared with me about the book:  Arden, the Vice President and Publisher of Advertising Age, never intentionally set out to write this book. In fact, THE BOOK OF DOING came out of her decision to start living life rather than just going through the motions. Approaching her fortieth birthday, Arden wondered whether she needed to leave her job in order to find passion in life, or if she should continue with her day-to-day responsibilities (working and being a married mom) and just commit to figuring it all out eventually.

Arden kept thinking about her childhood and how she loved arts and crafts. Even as an adult, simple creative tasks like decorating cupcakes with her daughter or going to a crafts store excited her more than she ever thought it could. She loved trying out new activities and getting her hands dirty: “What I loved most of all was the physical act of ‘doing.’ With it came a simple focus on pure delight.” Arden took this newfound strategy to the workplace and to her everyday activities. She tested new concepts and reworked packaging at work while making up local tasting tours and park visits at home. The joy and freedom she discovered while doing this led her to write the fully illustrated and designed THE BOOK OF DOING, in which Arden passionately encourages readers to do what they love most, create new ideas and engage with the world around them. She includes 94 fun activities such as learning code, making a popsicle stick replica of your five favorite people, crafting something special out of a sentimental article of clothing and learning the meanings behind flower types and colors. 

THE BOOK OF DOING is a fun, must-have guide for anyone looking to reawaken their senses and reclaim the serenity of doing the things that they love.

The Book of Doing

I wanted to share what the publicist had to say about the book because it really encapsulates the book and what it’s all about. Plus, I wanted to give you a feel for why I said yes when the opportunity to review this book landed in my in-box. What really struck a chord with me was that Arden originally contemplated leaving her job to find her passion. But instead, she figured out how to make her job and the rest of her life more rewarding by bringing her passion into her job and life. She discovered that what she needed to live a creative and joyful life was already inside of her. As she says in the book “No need to vacate your life. You will find all you need in your daily acts of doing.”

The book includes 94 fun activities that you could do to ignite your own creativity and joy, and if you’re like me, as you’re reading the book you’ll think of even more. The book begins with “The Laws of Doing” which are 18 terrific suggestions for how to digest the concepts in the book. And they’re also pretty terrific guidelines for life in general. For example, Arden suggests that you can always find time for things you want to do, and when you do make that commitment to yourself, you’re better in the process.

So if your summer bucket list is short on books to read, or you’re looking for an idea that starts with D, or you’re looking for a resource that will give you loads of inspiring ideas for your bucket list, or you’re ready to reignite your creativity and joy, check out THE BOOK OF DOING. I found this book to be incredibly inspiring – and that was before I even starting doing any of the ideas in it! I started thinking about my life and my to-do list in a different, more creative and joyful way.

One final note:  When I am offered books to review I tell the author’s people that I will share the book with my readers only if I like it. In this case, it was a no-brainer. I couldn’t wait to tell you about the book so you, too, can be inspired to start doing the things you love to do.

Now it’s your turn:  What books are on your must-read list this summer? Thanks so much for sharing!
