So if you’re a newsletter subscriber you know this about me already. Sometimes I get a little bit excited about products. And today … well, the product I adore today is my swiffer duster. I learned about this product while doing a needs assessment for a client. She literally did a demonstration and was just plain thrilled by it. After I left, I just kept thinking about her … her demo .. and how this product must really be life changing for her to be so compelled to do such a wonderful demo. Since I couldn’t get it out of my head … it landed right smack dab in my shopping cart on my next Target shopping trip. What I found .. it is a truly remarkable product, allowing me to put to a swift end the dust on my ceiling fan blades … a situation I had previously chosen to overlook, since 1) I just don’t spend too much time looking up at the ceiling, and 2) I really had no good way for dealing with this problem anyway.

So here’s the best part … today, we simply couldn’t take it anymore. All these months of winter had taken a huge toll on our cars. So … Jay and I gathered up the kids, paper towels, window cleaner, shop vac, the swiffer duster, and headed outside to take on the grungy cars. So you know all those nooks and crannies in your car that you just can’t seem to get clean? Well … the swiffer … it gets in there and gets them clean. No more dust. No more dirt. No more grunge! Truly, this product rocks. (I said this out loud as I was swiffering … and Jay concurred. If a man thinks a duster rocks … the duster rocks.)

Go forth and buy a swiffer.