I just had to utter the four dreaded words. No, it’s not: “you have a blog!” although you might be on to something.

Those very well could be the four dreaded words these days … because … well … I am being neglectful to this little blog-o-mine. But no … those weren’t the four dreaded words.

It was these:





Ahhhh! I know. It’s unthinkable. I’m an organizer … and I can’t find *it*!

I imagine I’m likely the only one who thinks I should always be able to find everything all the time. Truly, when I’m real with myself, I know you don’t care if I can find the “it” I’m looking for or not. But to have to utter these words out loud … and to my husband … ekes. Now he’s a great guy … but quick, too. His rebuttal: “it’s probably under the phones.” Which of course makes no sense to you … but truly, sums up my current state of affairs.

See … I was out organizing for a client today when back at the office, the phone rang. Jay went to find it and … no luck. We have two cordless phones … and both of them were MIA. Buried. Completely buried under my latest creation for the book. Guess what … I make a mess when I create. And sometimes I lose things…

The redeeming fact was that I knew where the phones were … but I’m guessing he’s on to something. Things are unbelievably crazy here. The book … wow … fun stuff … just lots of it! Next Friday is hand-off … where Wendy and I turn the book over to design. So … were almost there … whew! And on that note … thank you so much for all your terrific ideas for the book! We really appreciate it … and if it doesn’t all make it into the book, most certainly your ideas will provide for some fun article writing or blog posting someday soon … someday when I can find things again, right-minded people can find my phone when they walk into my office … and I don’t neglect my blog.

Ahhh … thanks for listening…