…but in this case it took a community. An online community of people who voted for simplify 101 when we were nominated for Best Organizing Website / Blog. Thanks to your incredible support, on Saturday night we received the award! I am thrilled…and at a loss for words about it, too. Being nominated, and in the company of the other finalists in this category — Clutter Diet Blog – Lorie Marrero, Jeri’s Organizing and Decluttering News – Jeri Dansky, LifeOrganizers.com – Paul & Valerie Holstein, and Unclutterer Blog – Erin Doland — was a complete honor in and of itself. I mean seriously, those are some amazing blogs and websites. So to bring home the award…well…it’s hard to express the gratitude Jay and I feel right now for your support and votes. We couldn’t have done it with out you. So thank you, simplify 101 community members—YOU are the best.

The weekend was truly a whirlwind; it isn’t every day that this girl goes to Hollywood. Nope, just once—and that happened to be last Friday. It really is quite an interesting place, isn’t it? Now even though Hollywood is the land of the paparazzi, oddly enough, there weren’t any following me around. (I wonder where they were…getting ready for the Grammy’s maybe?) But the net result is that I don’t have too many pictures of myself at the actual event. (I know, boo me, but I was a tad distracted by all the glitz, glamor and excitement.)

So here’s the weekend in review. On Saturday during the day my friend Stacey took me on a guided tour of Los Angeles. It was so fun to meet Stacey (a simplify 101 community member) in person and to see L.A. through the eyes of a local. She shared all sorts of interesting Hollywood nuggets as we drove by sights of interest in Hollywood, Beverly Hills, and Brentwood. We visited The Getty and had a great lunch at the Getty’s café.

Aby and Stacey

After lunch we went to the beach at Santa Monica so I could put my feet in the sand and water. But what fun is getting just your feet wet when you can get half of your jeans and legs wet instead? If you’re going to get wet, why not get really wet, right?

Getting wet

Later that afternoon I met up with Krista Colvin, and we got ourselves ready and then headed over to Raleigh Studios for the event. Here’s a picture of Krista on our limo ride (oops….I mean cab ride) to the awards program.

Krista Colvin

And here’s Krista on the red carpet. See…a real red carpet. I was on it too…just a few feet behind Krista temporarily playing the role of paparazzi.

Krista on red carpet

After the red carpet and a cocktail reception, we went inside for the dinner and awards ceremony. I sat at the Organize.com table which was great fun and right up in front. This means I have a few good pictures of other people presenting and receiving awards. After the event we took a group photo and something momentous happened:  I finally remembered to put my camera in the pile so I could be in a photo. (See I really did attend this event!)

Organize.com table

Front row: Terry Shearer, Deborah Shearer, Melissa Medina, (all from Organize.com), Monica Ricci, Julie Morgenstern, me. (See, I really was there!) Back row: Steve Guthrie (organize.com), Lorie Marrero, Krista Colvin and Kevin Watts (Organize.com).

All in all it was a wonderful weekend. Thank you again for your support and votes…it really means the world to us. 🙂 I’d love to hear how your weekend was, too. How did you do with your Finish It list?