They didn’t tell me I would change.

And that I’d never, ever be the same.

Nine years ago today, my life changed in ways I never would have imagined.

Going into labor five weeks early.
Hoping his lungs would be fully developed.
Taking my little baby boy home a day later…healthy and happy.
Being awake at all hours of the night for feedings.
Worrying that he was sleeping too long.
Sleeping too little.
Eating enough.
Staying at home for weeks—he was just too small to take out.
Living life on tidbits of sleep.

But all of this pales in comparison to the changes in me…

Loving at a level deeper than I ever knew possible.
Seeing the world in a whole new way.
Feeling more compassion.
Feeling greater depths of sorrow…with each tragic news story I’d see.
Knowing that no matter what was happening in the news, some Mom’s “baby” was involved—someone who loved her child in exactly the same way I love mine.
Understanding why it mattered when I stayed out late in High School.
Knowing the depth of my Mother’s love for me.
Believing that miracles really do happen.

My baby boy is nine years old today.


Happy birthday Collin.

Thank you for making me a Mom.

Thank you for changing my life.

Thank you for changing ME.

Love you, kiddo.