
… aren’t always what they seem, are they?


I’ve been thinking about things a lot this week. It’s the final week of Stacy’s Library of Memories Class and the topic this week is things. Betcha didn’t even know I was taking it, did you? Well I have to say, taking this class right in the middle of working on the book, creating my new space, and working on our new website … probably not my brightest move. But, I’m so glad I did, even if I wasn’t able to fully immerse myself in it right away. The class is beyond fabulous and I’ll definitely go back to the material and continue to incorporate the approach into my scrapbooking. So … if you haven’t taken it, jump on the opportunity the next time Library of Memories is offered.

The thing I love about Stacy, (OK … one of the things) is that she gets you thinking about things … important things like holy blue jeans and how they can make you crazy but are also such a unique part of life as it is right now.

My life won’t always be this way.

My life won’t always be filled with holy jeans or a little boy who plays so hard that he gets holes in *all* his jeans.

I wont always be faced with the dilemma … do I replace the jeans or hope it stays warm and buy new jeans in the fall?

The little boy will grow up.

The little boy won’t always play so hard.

These holy jeans are just a thing that says so much about my life today. Holy jeans are a sign of a life well lived by an eight year old boy.

I’m so glad I was encouraged to notice.

Six pairs of holy jeans are photo-worthy, scrap-worthy, and in this case, blog-worthy.

How about you … what things make your life uniquely yours?

Now … what to do with all those cute pockets …