San Juan island

My Mom … headed to look at the stunning views on San Juan Island. Simply amazing. So beautiful. So freeing. I think this shot of her captures the essence of our time together in Washington. Once in a lifetime. Truly special.

And now … back to reality … a wonderful reality but one that happens to consists of 49 unanswered emails. Yep, a bit of a backlog. So … if you’re waiting on a question, it’s in queue.

Here are two quick answers from prior comments / posts. I got the bag in this post at TJ Maxx, for a bargain. I’ve seen them at Linen’s and Things before, too. And here it is (for full price) at the Container Store.

About the Making Memories travel line … I got mine at Archiver’s so I know the line is available, but I’m not sure if anyone is selling it on-line yet. Have any of you found it anywhere? The mini binders are available at Amazon.