That’s right … the 12 week challenge is officially over! How did you do? Here’s what I’d love to know:

  1. Where were you when you started? In other words, how did you feel and why did you decide to join in the challenge?
  2. Where are you now? In other words, it’s time to toot your own horn loud and proud! Tell me about your progress and more importantly, let me know how you feel about it.
  3. Do something today to celebrate your progress. Even if you aren’t as far along as you’d like to be (or as far along as you thought you’d be) do something today just for you! Take a walk. Take a bubble bath. Go get a pedicure. Spend some time scrapbooking. No matter where you are in the pursuit of your 12 week challenge, I bet this is true for each of you: you’re farther along than you would have been if you hadn’t participated. Right? And that, my friends, deserves celebration! Congratulations! I’m so excited for you!!

I have a full day of appointments today … so I’ll post about my progress in the 12 week challenge tonight … OK? Can’t wait to hear from you!