“Today is the first day of the rest of your life.”
~ unknown (by me, anyway)

I remember that saying from when I was a child. Perhaps it was on a ceramic mug or a poster. Maybe in a song? I don’t know, really, I just know that when I was a child I didn’t really get it. And yet, it stuck. I don’t know where it came from and still, I remember it today.

Today it fits. You see, today, my husband Jay is making a huge change in his life.

Today, at roughly 4:30 PM, Jay is walking out of the corporate world … forever.

Today we are taking a leap of faith.

Today we are believing in our dreams, in our goals, and in ourselves. 100%.

Today Jay is joining simplify 101.

Today is a big day.

For Jay and me this dream has been years in the making. I remember when we were dating (a long time ago!) we’d share our dreams of one day running our own business. Our ideas ran the gamut from running a bed and breakfast, to opening a gift shop, to buying an oil change or a Krispy Kreme doughnut franchise. (That one died real quick — do you know how much those cost?) Our dream has taken many shapes and forms … and today is just another step along the way. After years and years of small steps in the direction of this dream, today, Jay is taking a big step. A momentous step.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life. What is your big dream? What would you do if you took a leap of faith and believed in yourself, your dreams and your goals 100%? Take a step today … a step of any size. Just take a step, today, in the direction of your big dream.