So it’s been a whole week since I’ve blogged. (Hello! What is up with that?) Well, I have taken up two new hobbies in the past week. My first new hobby was reading all your amazing comments from last Friday’s post. Seriously, these were some of the most touching and heartfelt comments I’ve read. I always read all the comments on my blog, but many of these just stopped me in my tracks. I’m completely inspired by what you shared. Thank you.

So, now that we’ve brought to the surface the importance of capturing our memories on paper, let’s go forth and scrap, shall we? I am ready to capture those most important memories. I have a new found enthusiasm for the original hobby: scrapbooking. And if you do too, please keep me posted. I’d love to hear what you create. OK?

OK…so before we get to the big announcement, I have to tell you about my second new hobby. It’s called Scrunch and it’s a card game. (Have you played this?) My sister and I would play this all the time when we were kids. And to this day when we get together we play Scrunch. It’s an all out battle. She kicks my, uh, you know what, most every single time. The competition is fun, fierce and often hysterical. So here’s the best part…my kids started playing this game this past week. I really don’t even remember how it all came about. But now, we’re having family Scrunch nights and it’s just so fun—even though it has taken a big bite out of my blogging time. You’ll forgive me, right? I mean, I’m carrying on a family tradition and you couldn’t blame me for that. Of course not. I’m creating memories, and you’re all for that. Whew. Thank you for understanding.

So now I’m getting myself ready for this fall’s Scrunch competition when my sister comes to visit. Who knows, if we keep up this family Scrunching madness…maybe just maybe I’ll kick *her* little you know what. Now that…that would make me happy. 🙂

…And so does this! Announcing winners. Woohoo!

(Drum roll please…)


The first number my little assistant pulled out of the basket was #97…and you know what that means? Cami Haveman you won the first copy of Photo Freedom. Woohoo!

And the second winner is…


…commenter #62 Sarah Galbraith. Yay, Sarah!

Congratulations to Cami and Sarah. Email with your mailing address…and your book is on it’s way!

Have a great weekend everyone!