…is still a step forward.

That’s what I was telling myself earlier this week. See, my wide open weekend turned into a carpet cleaning extravaganza. And boy, with two kids, one dog, and summer filled with outdoor fun…the carpets needed some serious TLC. So…Saturday and Sunday I took two steps forward by cleaning the carpets on the main level and the lower level of our home. The carpets looked much better. It smelled fresh and clean in our house. And I was a happy camper.

Until a couple of days later when the carpet on the lower level wasn’t drying very fast…and things were no longer smelling fresh and clean. (Enough said.) And so, I kept repeating over and over (and over) that two steps forward and one step back is still a step forward. The upper level still looked great and smelled fresh and clean, even though the lower level wasn’t doing quite as well. That was just a tiny step backward but by no means did it go all the way back to where I had started on Saturday morning.

The good news is this:  today the lower level carpet is fully dry…and everything is once again smelling fresh and clean. Woohoo!

And while that’s a relief, you may still be wondering why I’m sharing this here on my blog. I mean really, smelly carpet? Who cares, right? Well, this carpet cleaning story reminds me of what often happens when people set out to get more organized. Maybe you’ve felt this way, too—that for every two steps forward you take on your organizing journey, you take a step backward. Maybe you’ve set up a new filing system (two steps forward) only to discover that you still have little stacks piling up here and there a couple of days later (one step back). Or maybe you just finished organizing the linen closet (two steps forward) when someone ransacks one of your neat and tidy stacks, trying to pull a towel from the bottom of the stack (one step back). When you encounter these little bumps in the road, just remember the lesson from a weekend spent cleaning carpets…that two steps forward and one step back…is still a step forward.