If your Monday through Friday work week is consistently busy, filled with activities and obligations outside of the home, then the weekend is a terrific time to catch up a bit and get things done at home. Whether you work on projects, organizing, making progress on your goals, or catching up with the mundane stuff of life, the way to make your weekend productive is to plan it out a bit ahead of time. But…there’s a saying about “All work no play…” that I think it ends with “makes Aby a grouchy girl,” so around here we make sure our weekend to-do lists include fun stuff, too. This way you’ll arrive at Monday morning feel accomplished and revitalized. 

That, my friends, is what Finish It Friday is all about. Planning out the stuff you want or need to get done during this glorious piece of the week called the weekend, and making sure your plans call for plenty of fun—activities (or non-activities) that will leave you feeling rested and ready for the week ahead. If you’ve been sitting on the Finish It Friday sidelines, consider this your official invitation to get in the game. You really will have more fun and get more done…just try it and see. I’ll go first: 

checklist simplify 101Fun

  • Run 4 miles. When I run my four miles this evening, I will hit my first major milestone on my 500 mile goal: 100 miles down! I’m super excited about this!! Check! Really happy about this. 🙂
  • Boot camp. Check!
  • Basketball game. Check!
  • Spontaneous fun. This weekend I’m going to leave a spot on my to-do list for something that just sounds fun in the moment. Sometimes when I put something fun on my list on Friday…it starts to feel like an obligation by Saturday afternoon and Sunday. This will fix that little problem, I think. 🙂 Okay, so here’s the great thing about this little item on my list. My friend called, out of the blue, and asked me to go to a Healthy Living Fair with her. Perfect! So happy I left space for spontaneous fun this weekend. You may have noticed that there was no work related tasks on my to-do list this weekend…well I did more work this weekend than normal. I wonder if it’s because of the spontaneous fun? Who knows…but I will be doing this again. For. Sure. 🙂


  • Laundry. Partial check. 
  • Meal plan and grocery shop. Check! And, here’s another benefit of the spontaneous fun…we changed up the time for our weekly shopping so I could go to the Healthy Living Fair, and we like our new time even better. So…we’re thinking of making it the new routine. (It really is these little things that thrill me.) 
  • Make hair appointments. Check! And I was able to get Collin in on Saturday, so the hair cut itself is done, too. Yay!
  • Pay bills. Check!
  • Shop for new running shoes.  Nope! 🙁
  • Getting Organized for Project Life Part 3 post. (This is next up on my to-do list!) Check!
  • Edit and print photos for Project Life. Partial check. One week down…two weeks to go. I’m falling behind…but I’m going to be okay with it. I am determined to keep this fun. 😉

Alright! It’s a plan. Are you in this week? It’s as simple as sharing your weekend to-do list (done list) and weekend “fun” list in the comments. Thanks for joining in!! Have a great weekend.