Don’t you just love it when ideas and inspiration pop up out of nowhere? So I’m at the Boston airport waiting for my luggage … watching all the nearly identical bags pass by on the luggage turnstile when it hits me … why not use scrapbook supplies to make fun and easily recognizable luggage tags?

Since I’m still in Boston no pictures … but I’m envisioning brightly colored tags with your name and address in a fun font … perhaps using your own handwriting –or– using your computer and favorite scrapbook fonts. How about embellishing with a monogram sticker? Once your tag is designed and cut to size, laminate it, punch a hole and securely attach it to your bag with scrapbook ribbon. How fun is that? You’ll know instantly which bag is yours and no one will mistake your bag for theirs! (If you do this … email me a picture and I’ll post some pictures on my blog.)

Oh … and one more thing while we’re talking about handwriting. At the conference yesterday the lady sitting next to me looked at my notes and said “cool handwriting!” OK … having just started reading Heidi Swapp’s book “Love Your Handwriting” … I have to say this was a huge compliment for me. I love Heidi’s book. Want to learn more and see more of my favorite scrapbooking books?