Do you get giddy when you label things? I can relate! I love labels because I see them not as organization gone too far, but as a critical component in the organizational equation. If you subscribed to my newsletter (thanks by the way!) you know I’ve even gone as far as labeling my refrigerator! Why you ask? Well … the thing about labels is this. They remind you about the organizational structure even when the stuff being organized is no longer around. Refrigerators are a great example. When you take things out of the refrigerator because you (or your really hungry kids) ate it all up … the organizational structure is gone. Labels keep the structure in place even when your refrigerator is empty and you need to make a trip to the store. What’s more … when you get back from the grocery store (and are tired like I always am after that lovely chore!) the labels take the thinking out of putting the groceries away. You know exactly where things go because the labels are there to tell you. OK … so now you’re convinced labeling is a necessity … right?

Alright … now let’s make labeling FUN! Maybe not in the refrigerator but just about everywhere else, OK? Here’s an idea to spark your creative juices …

Creative labeling

Let me know if you take the challenge and create some creative labels of your own. Send me an email of your fun and creative labels and I’ll post them in the photo album. Can’t wait to hear from you and SEE your creative labels!