I know it’s shocking to think, but sometimes Organizing Isn’t Enough. That’s the premise of best-selling author Julie Morgenstern in her latest book called “When Organizing Isn’t Enough:  SHED Your Stuff, Change Your Life.” (Who knew there was more to life than organizing? 😉 )

In all seriousness, in “When Organizing Isn’t Enough” Julie introduces readers to the concept of shedding, a step-by-step approach for creating space during a time of transition. According to the book’s cover: “Organizing works when you know where you’re going but don’t know how to get there. But sometimes organizing isn’t enough. When you’re eager to make a change in your life, but you are unsure of your new destination, you need to SHED.”

When Organizing Isn't EnoughThe book teaches you the process of shedding. The first step is to identify the theme for your new chapter in life. This theme guides you through the next steps in the shedding process.

  • Separate the treasures—what is really worth holding on to?
  • Heave the trash—what’s weighing you down?
  • Embrace your identity—who are you without all your stuff?
  • Drive yourself forward—which direction connects to your genuine self?

This book offers a fresh perspective on decluttering and creating space during a time of transition in your life. Aside from providing a simple to follow, step-by-step process, there are number of powerful nuggets in the book—tidbits to help you let go of anything that’s weighing you down. Clutter, for example, is anything stagnate in your life, and can be found in your physical space, in your schedule and even in your habits. Julie shows you how to go through the SHED process for each of these key areas in your life and create space for a fresh, new life.

Wouldn’t it be fun to talk to Julie on the phone and learn all about her latest book? Guess what…I had the opportunity to do just that last week! And here’s the best part—you can listen-in right here, right now! Learn all about Julie’s latest book and how it can help you SHED your stuff and change your life.

Click here to listen to the interview.