"And what have you done with my grouchy, lethargic wife?"

These…the words of my loving husband last night at dinner as evidence of the Aby I once was started to resurface. Nice.

You know that crazy feeling you get after being sick or in pain for so long, where you think "Wow! I remember this. This is what it’s like to feel good!" One root canal later, and I’m on the mend. (And suddenly both of my parents are coming forward with news of their bad teeth. How come no one mentioned this before? I always thought I had good teeth.)

So anyway…I’m back with the contributing and functioning members of this planet. And it feels good. AND…as if things couldn’t get better, it rained! Ahh yes…life is good.

Just a quick update, I’m working on my October newsletter…and my next teleclass: Get Organized for the Holidays! (Thanks to the great suggestion from Gigi, Julie and Stacy.) I’ll let you know as soon registration opens for this new teleclass!

Back to it…more soon. 🙂