Just a quick heads-up. My January simplify 101 newsletter will be hitting email in-boxes later on today.

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If not, there’s still time to sign-up. Just visit my favorite page on our website to sign up. Then, be sure to confirm your subscription via the email confirmation link that will arrive just minutes later. Two simple steps and you’ll be all set for organizing ideas and discount coupons for our store each and every month. Pretty cool, huh?

In this month’s article I ponder the question (and provide some answers!) about why it’s so hard to simplify. Here’s a little snippet:

It’s OK if it’s easy.

Simple is easier than complicated, right? So if we want to simplify, this means we have to be willing to accept easy. And quite frankly, that’s easier said than done. I’d be willing to bet there’s a hard-work ethic deep at the core of your being (or even right at the surface, for that matter.) Our culture teaches us that life is hard. Success requires hard work. If we don’t work hard we’re lazy. Without breaking through this, and seeing the contradiction between striving for simplicity and our deep rooted beliefs about how hard life is supposed to be, simplifying becomes very complicated. You’ll continually and subconsciously push against simple, without really understanding why.

Here’s a new mantra for you:  easy is good.

Happy Friday!