Ahhh…I love today. It’s Friday. It’s sunny. It’s remarkably cool for an end-of-August Friday afternoon. It’s quiet and I have space to think.

And, here’s the best part:  we have nothing planned for the entire weekend. Nothing. Zero. Nada. Zilch. (Woohoo!!!)

And so I sit here basking in the possibilities, enjoying the sunshine, open widows and cool breeze, pondering how we’ll spend the glorious wide open weekend ahead.

I have a project percolating around in my head that involves this cute salt and pepper shaker from Pottery Barn.

Salt and pepper

This is the same cute salt and pepper shaker that I didn’t buy when I was at Pottery Barn earlier this summer because I knew it would go on sale. This also the salt and pepper shaker that I didn’t buy when the clearance catalog came out because I thought I’d get back to the store before they sold out and then I’d save even more—no shipping, you know what I mean? But then I didn’t get back to the store and the salt and pepper shaker was no longer available on the website. Yep, this is the same salt and pepper shaker that sold out online.

So, then this became the salt and pepper shaker that I just had to have, because you know, sometimes we just really want what we can’t have even if it’s not rational. So, I called Pottery Barn and the very helpful lady gave me the phone numbers of various stores that, at that time, still had the salt and pepper shakers in stock. I called these numbers in an attempt to track down my very own set of the coveted shakers. And I did. (Whew.) My salt and paper shakers were in a store in Chicago, until I ordered them over the phone and had them shipped to my home. In the end, I saved a couple of dollars over what I would have paid if I bought them the first time. I lost a bit of sleep, but now I know how much I really wanted these salt and pepper shakers. So now, that little project that’s percolating around in my head…well it could be a really fun thing to do on a wide open weekend.

So maybe, just maybe it’s the perfect thing for a wide open weekend. But then again…maybe I’ll clean the carpets. Or maybe I’ll list some things on Craig’s list. Maybe I’ll go to the farmer’s market. I’ll definitely do some laundry. But for now, I just want to sit with this feeling of a wide open weekend. They are, after all, about as rare and precious as…well…a certain set of salt and pepper shakers…

Happy weekend to you…