Thank you again to everyone who participated in Freebie Friday. What fun that was! I really enjoyed reading all of your to-do lists, and found them really motivating. I just wanted to get up and go do some organizing! Lot’s of fun and rewarding projects on your to-do lists.

I’m excited to announce the winner of the spot in Organizing 101:  Learn How to Get Organized. This morning selected Kimberly who posted on August 09, 2010 at 08:10 AM. Kimberly said:

i’ve just started ‘couponing’ which leads to ‘bulk buying’ on really good deals…which is great, but now i have to make room for it. so, this week my goal is to clear out (toss, donate, find a new home for) a closet shelf for my own little ‘store’ 🙂

Congratulations Kimberly! I look forward to getting to know you online in the weeks ahead!

Sunflower If you aren’t Kimberly, there’s still time to get in on Organizing 101 and tackle your projects alongside a group of fellow classmates with similar organizing goals. This workshop teaches you an organizing process you can use on many of the projects on the to-do lists you shared. We start small with a project such as a junk drawer, bookcase, or small closet (like your pantry, a bathroom closet, the hall closet, your linen closet, or a small utility closet). Then, with that victory under your belt, you can move onto some of the larger projects on your to-do list such whittling down your craft supplies or your organizing your kid’s toys, or tackling a storage area such as your attic, basement, or garage.

If you’re moving to a new home, or merging households, or simply want to tackle a bunch of different projects in your home, this workshop guides you through the process of putting together a plan so you can prioritize your projects. The workshops bite-sized action steps makes it easy to begin making progress right away, instead of waiting for a windfall of time to get started. You’ll also learn how to select the correct storage containers for your project and how to set up your spaces so they’re functional. Plus, you’ll learn simple strategies for keeping your spaces organized going forward. And of course, we’ll explore ways to make your spaces look great, so you enjoy being in them and are even more motivated to keep them organized going forward.

Now, if organizing your paper or setting up effective paperwork systems is on your to-do list, we will be running Organize Your Paper Clutter one more time this year. So, stay tuned for that! And if your clothes closet or organizing your wardrobe is on your to-do list, keep your eyes open for Organize Your Closet this September!

Hope to see you online in one of these upcoming workshops!