If you dread the thought of back to school (and back to a huge inflow of paper!), consider joining my online class Organize Your Paper Clutter. This class is a self-paced online class which means you can start today and make progress at the pace that is right for you!

Back to school means back to homework! Make it all a notch easier by setting up a simple homework station. Stock it with supplies your child will need to complete homework and other at-home projects throughout the school year. Allocate or purchase age-appropriate supplies such as:

  • Pencils and/or pens (plus, have a reliable pencil sharpener close at hand!)
  • Markers
  • Crayons
  • Ruler
  • Stapler
  • Hole punch
  • Transparent tape
  • Scissors
  • Construction paper
  • Notebook paper
  • Glue and / or glue stick
  • Eraser

The above list was provided by my son’s former first grade teacher. Ask your children’s teachers their supply recommendations based on their curriculum and planned projects. My additions to the list include white poster board and empty shoe boxes, but your list and needs may vary.

My son’s first grade teacher also had these suggestions for homework success:

  • Remember that homework is your child’s responsibility, not yours. You can help your child embrace this responsibility by setting up a designated homework spot, and creating new routines.
  • Give your child something in which to carry schoolwork back and forth, such as a backpack and / or a designated folder.
  • Designate a spot for your child to place his backpack and / or folder every day after school. You’ll easily find your homework—permission slips, newsletters and other school info—and your child will know where to put his homework assignments when they’re completed.
  • Establish a set time to do homework each day, and let your child help decide the best time for him or her. Setting a specific time and sticking to the schedule will help reinforce the importance of homework to your child.
  • Help your child create the habit of placing his completed homework in the same spot each day, such as returning it to his homework folder or backpack. You’ll save last-minute rushing in the morning if the homework is always in the same place!

What are your tips and ideas for homework success? Do you have any can’t-live-without supplies that aren’t on the list? I’d love to hear from you!
