I just had to share these amazing before and after photos. These are from two students currently taking my online class Organize Your Closet. I’m totally inspired, so I just had to share.

First up is Emily, who even put together a digital scrapbook layout about her closet organizing project.

BEfore and after

Among the things I love about Emily’s project is her creative use of containers. Emily has a very deep closet, and things were getting lost in the back. So, I made a few container suggestions in the online forum, and Emily ran with it. She decided to use cute, blue window boxes to house her t-shirts and put that deep closet space to functional use! If that’s not creative organizing, then what is? Love it!

Window boxes

Next up is Gosia. Check out this transformation. Here’s the before:


And here’s the after:


Is that not to die for? What a creative use of space! I think the only downside is that I would never want to leave my closet if it looked like that! Check out more inspiring after photos on Gosia’s blog.