Are you about to reorganize (or recreate) your creative space? If so … be sure to take some time up front to really get clear about your goals. Search the web, browse through design books like Pottery Barn Workspaces and Where Women Create … to find spaces that really speak to you aesthetically and functionally.

Right now I have the pleasure of helping Renee Pearson as she recreates her studio. (Aren’t I lucky? YES!) Renee has done a lot of planning and research to figure out what type of studio and what elements in a studio inspire her and will help her stay organized and be productive. (Remember … the more we love our space, the more we’ll want to be there… the more we’ll get done. It’s a vivacious circle (perhaps the opposite of a vicious circle … I just made it up but I kind of like it.))

Anyway … here are some links to some great creative spaces (a lot of them are scrap spaces which makes me happy.) Check them out and remember … planning pays off … not usually … always!

Amy Butler
Carrie Owens
Donna Downey

And be sure to check out Wendy Smedley’s blog … she’s always good for finding really great links to creative spaces that will make you green with envy … I mean … inspired 😉