Today’s post is a sample of my weekly organizing quick tip. If you don’t currently subscribe, you can sign up here. Enjoy. 🙂 A simple yet effective approach to controlling clutter is to establish “mini zones”—compact areas in your home that house everything you need to complete routine tasks or activities. Mini zones are covered in detail in my online class Quick + Simple Clutter Control.

Errand mini zone

In the meantime, to whet your mini zone appetite, here’s a simple and fun idea that will make your weekly errand shopping a notch more efficient. Put together an errands mini zone, stocked with everything you need to plan and execute errands and shopping trips. Creating your errands mini zone is as simple as corralling the following items into a basket or bin.

  • A pre-printed grocery list / menu planning sheet
  • Paper or note pads for other shopping lists
  • Pens or pencils
  • A recipe binder loaded with your favorite recipes and meal ideas
  • A clipboard to use while shopping
  • Store circulars
  • Small accordion file for coupons, gift cards and frequent buyer cards

Errand mini zone close up

Now all that’s left to do is shop! Happy shopping,
