OK, maybe not literally. Unlike mine, your refrigerator door is likely working just fine. Mine, on the other hand, since the day I moved into my house, would close all by itself … instantly. I literally had to hold it open to do anything.
So what, right? True, it probably doesn’t seem like such a big deal, but let me tell you, having a door slammed in your face several times a day grows old very quickly. I would do all sorts of things subconsciously to avoid my refrigerator, things like eating meals out and avoiding the produce drawer which lead to a lot of wasted food and money.
My family and I lived with this annoying refrigerator door for years until my wonderful husband fixed it for me last month. Boy what a difference. I have since reorganized my refrigerator. I can find things. I enjoy planning meals again. What an improvement. And to think, the fix took about ten minutes! I lived with a door slamming in my face for seven years and in ten minutes it was fixed.
So what does my little tale of the slamming refrigerator door have to do with you? Well…today I encourage you to find your “refrigerator door”. What is one little thing that’s been driving you nuts but you’ve been too busy to do anything about? What’s the one project that when you fix it you’ll reap huge rewards instantly?
Sometimes we look for the projects with big bang — a major organizational overhaul of our basement or the big garage clean up. And while these bigger projects are tremendous for creating more calm and order in your home, sometimes we can get even greater reward with a simple little fix to your refrigerator door.
What’s your refrigerator door?